This is an encore
performance of one of our most popular sessions last year.
10 Ways to Screw
Up Your Voice of the Customer
How to
Avoid the Most Common Pitfalls and Traps in Gathering Customer Wants
and Needs
Live Audio-Session with:
Gerry Katz
Executive Vice President
Applied Marketing Science |
- How often has your team argued over what features to include
in a new product?
- How often have you thought your idea was the next "killer app"
– only to have disappointing sales upon release?
- Have you ever wondered why, even after extensive customer
interviews and analysis, you still are unsure what the "real"
needs are?
Getting the voice of the customer right is clearly one of the
most critical aspects of new product development. Yet all too often,
despite efforts to the contrary, product developers end up
specifying products that fall short.
In this audio-session, you will receive 10 clear pointers from
Gerry Katz, one of the top experts in VOC, about what to do—and what
NOT to do—to ensure a true reading of customer needs and wants.
Some examples of what NOT to do include:
- Interviewing only your biggest and best customers
- Letting the sales force control which customers you talk to
- Confusing "Needs" with "Solutions to Needs"
- Asking your customers to design the product for you
The session will cover the key areas which make all the
difference in how you gather and use VOC data. It is an excellent
opportunity for both your marketing and engineering folks to listen
together and identify simple fixes for your own process.
By participating in this session, you will have the opportunity
to bring your own experiences (and questions) into the discussion
and receive expert feedback. The session will be a 60-minute
presentation with 30 minutes interactive Q&A.
- Hardcopy of presentation slides sent to your office prior to
- Transcript provided within 14 days after the session
- Your questions answered directly by this leading expert
Invite your whole team to join you - the fee is the same
as long as you are on one line, just put it on speakerphone!
About the Session Leader
Gerry Katz is a
recognized authority in the areas of new product development, design
of new services, product marketing, and market research, with more
than 30 years of consulting experience. At AMS, he has led more than
100 major client engagements employing The Voice of the Customer,
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and a large number of other
marketing science applications. His client assignments have covered
a wide variety of industries, with particular emphasis on healthcare
and medical technology. He is a member of the Board of Directors of
the Product Development & Management Association (PDMA), is
certified as a New Product Development Professional (NPDP) and is a
contributing editor to Visions magazine.
He is the author of several award-winning papers, and past
recipient of the William O'Dell Prize from the American Marketing
Association. He has lectured frequently at the business schools of
MIT (Sloan), the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Dartmouth
College (Tuck), Carnegie-Mellon University, and Harvard University.
Gerry has appeared twice on the NBC Today Show and in The
Wall Street Journal. |