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REGISTER NOW for Web-Based PDM Web-Based PDM: Opportunities, Risks and Unanswered Questions
Conference Background Conference Agenda Pre-Conference Workshops Fees & Logistics How to Register

Fees & Logistics

Venue Fees Travel
The conference will be held at Westin Hotel Boston- Waltham. Please call the hotel directly at 781-290-5600 to reserve a hotel room. Be sure to mention Management Roundtable to receive a special discounted rate of $159 single or double. A limited
block of rooms has been reserved on a space available basis up until May 29,


Conference Fee: The registration fee is $1395 per person.

Pre-conference half-day
Fee is $395 each (or $695 for both) with full conference registration, or $595/$895 without. Workshop fees include materials, luncheon and reception.

Team Discount: Groups of 3 or more may deduct $100 per person. Fee includes two-day program, program materials, luncheons, cocktail receptions, continental breakfasts, and refreshment breaks.

Skyline Travel is the official travel agency of Management Roundtable.  To take advantage of discounted reservations, please call (800) 255-3330 and be sure to mention Management Roundtable.

No-Risk Guarantee: Your return on investment is guaranteed – money-back or credit.

pdf-logo.gif (155 bytes) Download Conference Brochure with Registration Form
(MRT-PDM2000.pdf - 143kb) - Includes all program details

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Click here to learn how

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