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A brief summary of tools being discussed
by case study presenters:

Honeywell Embedded Controls
Presenter: Peter Dierauer, Technology Manager

Honeywell’s 3 step practical model to develop a successful portfolio management design process:

  1. Portfolio Design – designing your risk/reward profile
  2. Portfolio Optimization – continual review of project opportunities
  3. Portfolio Implementation – continuous management of project execution to ensure full portfolio value is achieved

Complete Abstract

Texas Instruments
Presenter: Curt Raschke, Senior Technical Staff Member

What to consider when codeveloping products due to internal resource constraints:

  1. Critical resource alignment strategies
  2. Integration of codevelopment resources over entire product life cycle
  3. Codevelopment partner alignment at all levels: business, portfolio, project and technical

Complete Abstract

Eastman Kodak
Presenter: Chuck Hura, Portfolio Manager

Key strategies for successful project and portfolio resourcing:

  1. Critical chain techniques
  2. Applying queue theories
  3. Methods for managing bottlenecks
  4. Minimizing multi-tasking

Complete Abstract

Presenter: Bruce Kirk, Corporate Process Owner

Key strategies for aligning resources across functions:

  1. Cross-functional roadmaps
  2. Value delivery process model
  3. Dynamic resource management and alignment

Complete Abstract

Presenter: Paul Aspinwall, Process Architect

Integrated Product Development Model – managing resource overload with:

  1. Integrated Portfolio Management Teams
  2. Structured Development Process
  3. Skills/Resource Management Process
  4. Decision Check Points for resource allocation and management

Complete Abstract

Abbott Labs
Presenter: Douglas Brandt, Director

Abbott’s key steps in implementing critical chain project management:

  1. Balancing physical reality with global strategy
  2. Determining resource needs across multiple projects
  3. Engaging in reality based project management
  4. Managing task variability
  5. Modeling portfolio resource needs
  6. Organizational capacity assessments – single versus multi-project

Complete Abstract

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