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UGS - Powering Collaborative Commerce


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arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes)DAMA1 Follow-Up Page

arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes)PDMIC Review

arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes)Midrange Enterprise Review

nagel.gif (20789 bytes)Roger N. Nagel,
Harvey Wagner Professor and Senior Fellow at Lehigh University

Professor Nagel will explore how agility can enhance global product development using design anywhere, manufacture anywhere strategies. Drawing from successful global production case examples (Acer, Boeing, Dell, GE, textile firms, and others), he will share key lessons of four advanced agility concepts:

  • The strategic power of developing and building products in a borderless environment using virtual teams of people working across organizational lines;
  • Building agile relationships based on mutual trust and empowerment;
  • Learning how to collaborate across multiple organizations with each accepting responsibility for significant innovation, working on each other’s needs and exploring new opportunities together.
  • Providing not only high quality successful outcomes, but also ensuring that the experiences of all parties provide value to the customer and each other in the unique ways that each of them see and measure value.

These agility concepts are information fueled and enabled. Nagel will examine the use of information infrastructures in companies such as Dell, Intel, Cisco, UPS, who are building new 21st century strategies focusing on being more agile and using agility as a competitive differentiation mechanism in global product development

Finally, Dr. Professor Nagel will share his perspectives on the levels of information integration required in various global production examples. While some companies can collaborate using simple information sharing and connection tools, there is a spectrum of capability from connection, to coordination, synchronization and true integration of information in global production systems. The technological capabilities and cultural implications of successfully using these capabilities will be examined.

Roger N. Nagel is a Senior Fellow in the Enterprise Systems Center at Lehigh University. He is also the Harvey Wagner Professor, in the EECS department and the former CEO and Executive Director of the Iacocca Institute. Business Week, Forbes, and Fortune magazine have cited him for his visionary efforts as the father of the virtual corporation concept.. He is co-author of the widely influential business book, "Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations: Strategies for Enriching the Customer" and the more recent book "Cooperate to Compete: Building Agile Business Relationships."

Joel OrrJoel Orr,
Orr Associates International

The Web has enveloped manufacturing, and given rise to technologies that make DAMA possible—remote collaboration, telerobotics, knowledge management and accounting, wireless networking, and so much more. Previously unheard of ROI multiples are now commonplace. Dr. Orr will provide a whirlwind survey of what is available and what is coming in DAMA support technologies, in his inimitable entertaining style. He will end his presentation with the secret behind successful implementation of these technologies, and how you can make it work for you.

Joel Orr is a consultant, speaker and writer, specializing in engineering automation and computer technologies. He is a partner in Cyon Research, a publishing/consulting firm. Orr is also co-founder and past-president of the NCGA (National Computer Graphics Association) and president of the Virtual Worlds Society. Dr. Orr has authored several books including his most recent book, The Victorious Engineer and his last book, Thoughts on Engineering Automation, was the first of a series, including Personal Productivity: Tips from a Traveling Consultant, and Humanity and Technology: Convergence or Collision? Orr has been Manufacturing Systems Series Editor for McGraw-Hill. He is also a contributing editor for CAE, APERTURA, and DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY. Last, but not least, he founded CAD/CIM ALERT, an industry newsletter published by Management Roundtable.

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