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Presenting the 12th Annual MRT Conference:

Customer Testimonials

Here's what attendees had to say about the 11th annual Product Development Metrics Conference:
"Would highly recommend that anyone involved with New Product Development to attend!"
Dan Docel, IDe, Inc.

"The quality of conference speakers was tremendous. If you attended this conference, you'd walk away with an in-depth understanding of business metrics which drive success."
Brian Burlingame, Merck & CO.

"This event was timely and I appreciate the thoughtful, relevant content from each of the speakers.  The overall organization of the event was particularly impressive - from the website and email communication to keeping the agenda on time and coordinating Q&A. Very excellent!"
Steve Payne, Johns Manville
"The real value of this conference is the mind expanding discussions that provide options and notions that one (person or company) may not think of on their own."
Bobbie Williams, Sandia National Labs
"A mind tweaking stimulation from insightful experts in their field, to a depth of usability..."
Eileen Arnold, BAE Systems
"This is a "Tour de Force" through the jungle of metrics in R&D! Together with the pre-conference workshops it was extremely valuable."
Roland Heinrich, Millipore Corp
"I was very impressed by the speakers and the attendee list. Wide variety of leading companies were there and gave credibility to the speakers messages."
Derek Mackie, Huskey Injection
"Home run! Provocative concepts for fundamentally changing the games of innovation and product development excellence.  I am walking away with tools and knowledge that could never have been acquired through experience alone." 
Chris Bardeggia, Whirlpool
"Excellent conference for the executive who wants to know more about how to raise the bar for product development and innovation performance." 
Terry Vance, The Quazar group
"If you're struggling trying to measure the effectiveness of product development or just want to benchmark how others are doing it, this conference is for you."
Ken Brown, Boston Scientific
"Overall stimulating slots supplemented by good ideas. Knowledgeable, experienced keynote speakers."
Don Brush, General Dynamics

"...Great opportunity to network and share problems, challenges and solutions in the product development area..."
Raju Thomas, Kyocera Wireless

"...I have set up three meetings at work to share this information - it's tangible and actionable..."
Leslie Kulis, Armstrong World Industries

 "...I left with knowledge I can use immediately..."
Michael Nichols, University of Missouri

"...the conference provided a good overview of metrics used in the commercialization process and fortified the need for a gated process..."
Tom Rizzo, Lord Corporation



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Conference Info

Register Online

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> Agenda
> Chairman
> Keynotes
> Pre-Con Workshops
> Case Studies
> Special Features
> Participants
> Testimonials
> Sponsorship Opportunities
> Fees & Logistics
> How to Register

All conference participants will receive c
omplimentary copies
of the following books:

James Andrew’s Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation

Dr. Dean Spitzer's Transforming Performance Measurement

Conference Sponsor

Breakfast Session