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International PDM User's Group IPDMUG, The International Product Data Management Users Group, will hold its annual conference immediately following the Management Roundtable program. This interactive forum begins with a dinner on Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 6:00 pm and continues on Thursday, June 22 from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. You must be an IPDMUG member to attend; to apply for membership and register for the IPDMUG conference, please contact Bob Lynch at (919) 562-6636 or via e-mail at [email protected]. IPDMUG members attending the Management Roundtable conference may subtract $100 from the MRT conference registration fee; IPDMUG membership will be verified before confirming the discount. Web address:  

IPDMUG represents and is exclusively for the users of PDM systems—regardless of vendor solutions used. It recognizes the need to communicate within the user community on issues of mutual interest, without the influence of a "selling" situation, which may be posed by vendors or consultants of PDM systems. Previous group meetings have focused on integration and interoperability of PDM systems, as well as some of the cultural and technical issues surrounding any PDM implementation.

pdf-logo.gif (155 bytes) Download MRT Conference Brochure with Registration Form
(MRT-PDM2000.pdf - 143kb) - Includes all program details

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