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F I R S T  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  C O N F E R E N C E
NPD Project Innovation 03
October 20-22, 2003 / Fort Worth, TX

Cutting-edge techniques to tackle the chaos, risk, and complexity of NPD projects and generate new revenue and growth

PMI - NPD SIGPresented by Management Roundtable
with support from
the Project Management Institute NPD SIG


Tracy Allen
IT Project Leader
Texas Instruments

Pat Baird
Project Manager
Baxter Healthcare

Jay Burris
Product Manager
Halliburton Energy Services

Kevin Dabb
Director, Program Management
Iomega Corporation

Ken DelcolKen Delcol
Director, Product Development
MDS Sciex

Bret Dodd
R&D Section Manager
HP LaserJet Lab

duncan50.gif (4683 bytes)William R. Duncan
Project Management Partners

Brad Fevold
Research and Development
Marvin Windows and Doors

Greg GithensGreg Githens
Managing Partner
Catalyst Management Consulting

Jim HighsmithJim Highsmith
Director, Agile Project Management Practice and Fellow, Business Technology Council
Cutter Consortium.

Rusty PattersonJ. Kent Harmon
Director of Product Development
Bullard Company

Kimberly A. Johnson
Product Development Manager

Adam Josephs
Celerity Consulting Group LLC

kania50.gif (4033 bytes)Eugene Kania
Management Consultant
More Capacity

kennedy50.gif (4425 bytes)Michael N. Kennedy
Product Development for the Lean Enterprise

Michelle Keyzer
Project Manager (Software)
Baxter Healthcare

Wayne Mackey
Product Development Consulting, Inc.

Sterling Mortensen
R&D Section Manager
HP LaserJet Lab

Rusty PattersonRusty Patterson
VP, Customer & Supply Chain Institute
Raytheon Corporation

Rich Penman
Director, Program Management
Iomega Corporation

Curt Raschke
Senior Member, Technical Staff
Texas Instruments, Inc.

Colin Reeves
Supplier Technical Consultant
Raytheon Corporation

Steven Ricks
PMP, Manager of Project Management, Research and Development Group
Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.

Bill Russell
Raytheon Corporation

Brian Shaw
Sr. Engineering Manager
Baker Oil Tools Safety Systems

Hans Thamhein
Professor of Management
Bentley College

Cinda Voegtli
and past president of the IEEE Engineering Management Society

Marc Waco