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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product Definition
Implementing VOC for
Competitive Advantage

February 28-March 1, 2005 / Orlando, FL

Course Deliverables

Through experiential exercises, case examples, discussions, presenter insights and provocative Q&A, you will learn how to:

  • Ask the right questions of the right customers to extract latent customer requirements (find out what they really want)

  • Determine which requirements will yield greater payback and increase customer delight

  • Assess customer priorities and differentiate market segment preferences

  • Achieve cross-functional consensus on product definition – build a working process for effective teamwork

  • Gain management support for your voice of the customer program

  • Integrate a robust, market-driven product definition program into your design for six sigma, lean product development, and/or stages and gates processes

  • Define measurable customer requirements that will drive your product development program

  • Merge your VOC program with your portfolio and innovation management processes

Course Info

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“Good workshop…gave me a lot to think about and some answers to questions I have had for some time.” 

Ben Almojuela
The Boeing Company