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Sixth Annual Metrics Conference

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Key Benefits

handbook-75.GIF (5476 bytes)handbook-75.GIF (5476 bytes)2 CONFERENCE BONUSES!
Every conference participant will receive a complimentary 1-year subscription to MIT's Sloan Management Review, PLUS a free copy of MRT's upcoming publication, "What every manager needs to know about measuring product development effectiveness." [more]

By participating in this substantive program, you will learn about:

Harley-Davidson’s strategies for establishing and integrating cross-functional metrics as key components of their product development and engineering improvement initiatives...more
Tellabs’ successful deployment of two measurement systems and the impact on overall product development performance...more
Hewlett-Packard’s process level metrics that provide real-time feedback and linkage to process improvement programs...more
DuPont’s selection and implementation of metrics to justify decisions, balance the portfolio and manage product development...more
Halliburton’s successful development of a portfolio management process template for multiple business units yielding alignment with strategic goals and improved overall company performance...more
Tellabs’ Broadband Media Group’s Metrics Display and how it links individual business division metrics with the company Balanced Scorecard...more
CHI Research’s recent findings noting dramatic shifts in the US R&D landscape and the cascading financial implications associated with these changes...more
Hewlett-Packard’s process and rationale for reinventing its key new product generation metrics related to TTM...more
Harley-Davidson’s methodology to ensure timely creation, visibility and focus on cross-functional metrics...more
Ethicon’s process for developing and implementing new product development dashboard measures...more

Supporting Organizations:
Sopheon   Sloan Management Review


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