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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Getting the Voice of the Customer Right
Mastering the Art of Customer Visits

An intensive, two-day seminar on how to design, conduct and analyze customer visits for new product innovation. Learn proven techniques to identify customer needs -- including unmet, unspoken needs -- and significantly boost your product success rate.

 December 3-4, 2008
/ San Diego, CA

  Led by the foremost authority on customer visits:
Edward F. McQuarrie, PhD

Professor of Marketing, Santa Clara University and author of Customer Visits: Building a Better Market Focus and The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners

Exclusive Workshop Offer!
Every attendee of this workshop will receive a BRAND NEW EDITION of Ed McQuarries landmark book, Customer Visits: Building a Better Market about this book on Amazon

Please Note:
The customer visit technique presented in this workshop was developed to meet the special needs of industrial and B2B markets. Specific industries that will gain the most benefit from this seminar include: computers, electronics, industrial equipment & supplies, medical devices, financial services, hospital supplies, and building infrastructure.


  • The ABC’s of customer visits – when to do them, how many are enough, how to assemble the team, how to ask the right questions and how to report out the key findings

  • How to understand what customers can (and cannot) tell you – stop wasting time on questions that don’t work and identify questions that will yield real insight!

  • Analytical tools to link the Voice of the Customer to product design and key business decisions

  • How to gain the organizational buy-in required for a successful customer visit program

  • Why a cross-functional team approach for customer visits is a MUST and how to prepare these teams for success

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Course Info

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This workshop is limited to  35 participants. Early registration is strongly advised.

Who Should Attend
This workshop should be attended by VPs, Managers and Directors of New Product Development, Engineering, R&D, Product Management, Marketing, Technology, Quality, Business Development, Strategic Planning and any position with responsibilities related to identifying and responding to customer needs and market developments. Best for firms whose market includes dozens, hundreds, or thousands of potential customers; not suitable for firms with only one customer or who serve only a handful of OEMs.

Please Note:
The customer visit technique presented in this workshop was developed to meet the special needs of industrial and B2B markets. Specific industries that will gain the most benefit from this seminar include: computers, electronics, industrial equipment & supplies, medical devices, financial services, hospital supplies, and building infrastructure.