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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Getting the Voice of the Customer Right
Mastering the Art of Customer Visits

 December 3-4, 2008
/ San Diego, CA


Edward F. McQuarrie is the Associate Dean for Assessment in the Leavey School of Business and Professor in the Department of Marketing at Santa Clara University.  Considered to be a leading VOC expert, McQuarrie is also the author of two ground breaking books on the subject including Customer Visits: Building a Better Market Focus and The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners.  His research interests include implementation of a market focus, qualitative research, and technology strategy, on the one hand, and advertising research on the other. He has published articles in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Customer Psychology, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Journal of the Market Research Society, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, and others.  His depth of knowledge in the topic area is reflected in support from the Marketing Science Institute among others.

Professor McQuarrie has twelve years of experience moderating focus groups for Burke Marketing Research of Cincinnati, has consulted for a variety of technology firms, and has taught seminars on Effective Customer Visits, Managing Focus Group Research, Marketing Research Methods, and similar topics for Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems, Digital Equipment, Apple Computer, Compaq Computer, Informix, Sybase, Varian Associates, Cadence Design, and others.

Exclusive Workshop Offer!
Every attendee of this workshop will receive a BRAND NEW EDITION of Ed McQuarries landmark book, Customer Visits: Building a Better Market about this book on Amazon

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This workshop is limited to  35 participants. Early registration is strongly advised.