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Keynote Presentations:

Tuesday, November 9 - 3:45pm-5:00pm
Virtual Customer Methods to Improve Speed, Accuracy and Usability of Customer Input to the Product Development Process

John HauserJohn hauser
Kirin Professor of Marketing,
MIT Sloan School
of Management

MIT's Virtual Customer Initiative (VCI) is a multidisciplinary research project developing and testing new theory and methods to improve the speed, accuracy, and usability of customer input to the product development process. Dr. Hauser will talk about new techniques being developed by the MIT team. These include more accurate and more efficient adaptive questioning methods, techniques to infer when customers are using non-compensatory processes, automatic "information pumps" and "information scoring" that provide incentives to respondents to think hard and tell the truth, and new ideation games that enable customers to participate in the idea generation process.  He will provide examples from a variety of applications.

Special Interview with John Hauser:
What is the Virtual Customer Initiative?

See more about this subject at MIT Sloan's Virtual Customer Website.

About John Hauser
John R. Hauser
, is the Kirin Professor of Marketing and leader of the Virtual Customer Initiative at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management where he teaches new product development, marketing management, competitive marketing strategy, and research methodology.  He is the co-author of two textbooks, “Design and Marketing of New Product”  and “Essentials of New Product Management". He has received both the Converse Award for scientific contributions and the Parlin award for contributions to marketing research.  He has won awards for research and for teaching and his students have won awards for their theses and, later, for research papers.  For six long years he was Editor of Marketing Science.  Outside interests include sailing, swimming, NASCAR, opera, and country music.

Available Mon-Fri 
9:30am-5pm est

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Applied Marketing Science

Product Development Consulting, Inc.