Wednesday, September 25
What is IP Worth?
Quantifying Intangible Value
Bruce A. Lehman
President, International
Intellectual Property Institute
& Former Commissioner, USPTO and Assistant
Secretary of Commerce
IIPI Website |
Beginning this year the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is requiring companies to
value intellectual property as part of accounting protocol for
financial statements.
What are a company’s intellectual property assets? Are they:
copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade Secrets, know how,
goodwill? How are each of these elements of intellectual
property identified and quantified? With the coming of FASB
Rules 141 and 142, CEO’s and CFOs will have to account for the
first time to shareholders and the public about the role of
intellectual property in their businesses. Can CEOs and CFOs
meet this challenge?
Bruce Lehman will discuss the practical and policy issues
that lie behind the answers to these questions. Specifically, he
will address:
- The need to secure title to intellectual property rights
and the practical problems of doing so.
- The need to identify companies’ inventions, evaluate them,
track them through the process of patenting and licensing,
and to value them.
- The problems associated with the costs of patenting and
maintaining patents in force throughout the world.
- The expansion of patentable subject matter to include pure
business methods.
- The international context: there is no global patent.
- The emerging crisis of patent examination.
- The challenge of digital transmission and use of
copyrights and trademarks.
- How do you book the value of an intellectual property
- Current political controversies over patents and
Bruce Lehman is President and CEO of the International
Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI), a non-partisan,
not-for-profit institution, based in Washington, D.C. which
fosters the creation of modern intellectual property systems and
the use of intellectual property rights as a mechanism for
investment, technology transfer, and the creation of wealth in
developing countries of the world. In addition Mr. Lehman is a
member of the Policy Advisory Commission to the Director General
of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in
Geneva, Switzerland. From August 1993 through 1998, Mr. Lehman
served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce and United States
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks.
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