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Monday - September 23

Pre-Summit Workshops

8:00–9:00 Continental Breakfast
8:00–12:00 Registration
9:15–12:15 Optional Tour of Boeing Facility
10:00–12:00 Workshop A
Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
Instructor: Howard Lieberman, Cogswell Polytechnical College
12:00–1:00 Lunch
1:00–4:30 Workshop B
Using Performance Measurement for Win/Win Partnerships
Instructor: Steve Evans, Cranfield University

Workshop C
Technology Intelligence Techniques to Drive Partnering and IP Strategies
Instructor: Jay Paap, Caltech Industrial Relations Center

5:00–6:00 Welcome Reception

Tuesday - September 24

Summit - Day One

7:30–8:30 Continental Breakfast & Registration
8:30–9:00 Chairman's Welcome & Overview
Jay Paap, Summit Co-Chair

Technological, Financial and Strategic Drivers

Strategic Value of Intangibles in Alliances and Acquisitions
Baruch Lev
, NYU Stern School of Business
10:15–10:45 Refreshment Break
10:45–11:30 Featured Presentation:
Working With the Venture Capital Ecosystem to Drive Growth - Creating a Successful Internal/External Development Mix
Gerard Mooney, IBM
11:30–12:15 Featured Presentation:
Strategic Alliance on the Joint Strike Fighter
Frank Cappuccio, Lockheed Martin
12:15–1:15 Luncheon

Structuring and Implementing the Alliance/Acquisition

1:15–2:15 Panel Discussion:
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained - Deciding Why, When, With Whom and How to Engage in Today's Risk-Averse Climate
Moderator: Jay Paap, Summit Co-Chair
2:15–3:00 Featured Presentation:
Making R&D Alliances Work
Keith Dionne, Millennium Pharmaceuticals
3:00–3:30 Break
3:30-5:30 Breakout Sessions:
Pursuing the Deal

From Pre-work, Exploring and Screening to Negotiation and Agreements

5:30-5:45 Alliance/Acquisition Resource Round Up
6:00–7:00 Networking Reception at the Museum of Flight

Wednesday - September 25

Summit - Day Two

7:15–8:15 Continental Breakfast
8:15–8:30 Recap & Overview
Howard Lieberman, Summit Co-Chair
What is IP Worth? Quantifying Intangible Value
Bruce Lehman
, Int'l Intellectual Property Institute
9:30–10:00 Break

Bridging the Organizational and Cultural Gaps

10:00–10:45 Featured Presentation:
Achieving Organizational Alignment
Bob Herbold, Microsoft Corporation (retired)
10:45–12:15 Parallel Sessions:
Bridging the Organizational Gaps & Aligning with Partners
  1. Integrating Systems with Partners -
    Sharing Information
  2. Managing the Relationship - People, Culture, Trust
12:15–1:15 Luncheon

Achieving Strategic & Financial Objectives

1:15–2:00 Featured Presentation:
Strategic IP Management
Jeff Weedman, The Procter & Gamble Company
2:00–2:45 Featured Presentation:
Getting Value from the Alliance
Loretta Nelson, Cisco Systems
2:45–3:00 Break
3:00–4:00 Panel Session:
Building for Growth

OR - Tour of Boeing Facility
(1:00-4:00pm, lunch included)

4:00 Program Adjourns
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