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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product & Technology Roadmapping
Linking Markets, products and technology

August 8-9, 2005 / Chicago

Why Roadmaps?

Just as we use roadmaps to plan trips or map our individual futures, companies develop roadmaps to help determine possible destinations and routes as well as to decide when and where to stop, partner, or go around construction.

Roadmaps and the roadmapping process serve as excellent communication tools – an effective means to link strategic operations, collaborative ventures, and business plans. However, to achieve success - roadmaps must target the right approach, involve the appropriate group intelligence, and provide a specific level of detail. With shrinking product life cycles and development times, roadmaps have become a valuable tool to help plot an organizations’ future direction along side future market/customer needs.

Offering practical tips and tools for success, this workshop will introduce you to the fundamental frameworks, tools, and success factors to develop product, technology and strategic roadmaps.

Who Should Attend
This workshop is designed for VPs, Managers and Directors of R&D, Technology, Product Development as well as those who set strategy for their company, agency, or industry.

The session is designed for managers that are either in the process of developing an initial roadmap(s) as well as for those who are interested in expanding their current level of roadmap development.

Download Brochure

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Course Info

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