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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product & Technology Roadmapping
Linking Markets, products and technology

August 8-9, 2005 / Chicago

About the Faculty

Course Leader:

  David SmithDavid Smith
Vice President,
Technology Futures, Inc.
Co-Leader of the first National Technology Roadmap

David is a technologist and futurist with private and public sector consulting expertise in technology transfer, strategic and technology planning, communications, roadmapping, consortia start-up and management, and collaborative alliances. He was co leader of the first SIA National Technology Roadmap.

Since joining TFI in 1996, he has assisted in creating and implementing plans for Boeing, CIA, Coca-Cola, Department of Defense, Embraer, Hughes, Kodak, Kyocera, Lockheed Martin, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and Sun Microsystems. His work has included establishing the framework and process for In-Q-Tel, the intelligence community’s research and development solution; authoring Research and Technology Grand Challenges 2030 for the imaging and geospatial community; and producing technology roadmaps for many organizations, including Hughes Space & Communications.

David has also held key positions in two of the largest and most successful consortia in the United States (SEMATECH) and the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC). He was also an assistant Dean at the University of Texas, Business School.

Course Facilitators:

  John H. VanstonJohn H. Vanston, PhD
Technology Futures, Inc.

John founded TFI in 1978 and served as its President for 14 years. John is an internationally-renowned consultant, educator, and author in the fields of technology forecasting, technology/market integration, and technology management in uncertain environments. He has managed multi-million dollar high-tech R&D projects, fashioned a computer-based program for planning and managing complex research projects, and developed a formal system for identifying and evaluating breakthrough innovations. John’s extensive experience in planning and management has provided a solid foundation for effective roadmapping. Previously, John was Deputy Director of the Center for Energy Studies at the University of Texas, Austin.

  William KleinbeckerWilliam Kleinebecker
Senior Consultant,
Technology Futures, Inc.

Bill has led and participated in a number of cross-lab roadmaps matching market requirements, new technology, and needed skill sets for networking and application systems. Bill has extensive experience in defining market requirements, system objectives, and product solutions for a wide range of computer and software technologies. He has headed multi-national teams charged with developing strategic technology and marketing plans and identifying and evaluating new market opportunities. Prior to TFI, Bill spent 33 years with IBM.

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Course Info

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> Why Roadmaps?
> Agenda
> Course Outline
> Key Benefits
> Course Faculty
> How to Register & Logistics

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TFI provides information, analysis, and insights supporting business decisions for markets and technologies. Using proven, quantifiable forecasting and modeling, strategic tools, industry knowledge, and in-depth research, TFI provides a forward looking vantage point for making sustainable decisions and the expertise to assist and provide technology management. TFI has assisted over half of the Fortune 100 and many government agencies, industry groups, and emerging companies.

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