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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product & Technology Roadmapping
Linking Markets, products and technology

A practical, two-day workshop on how to develop, implement and execute strategic roadmaps to align company strategy and technological capabilities.

August 8-9, 2005 / Chicago

  David SmithCourse Leader:
David Smith

Vice President, Technology Futures, Inc.
Co-Leader of the first National Technology Roadmap

From practical tool exercises, lectures and facilitated interactions, you will learn how to:

  • Recognize the different types, focus and value of strategic roadmaps – select the right one (or combinations of roadmaps) for your specific company’s needs

  • Reap the benefits of current tools that can facilitate the production of business, technology, product, and industry roadmaps.

  • Develop, execute and implement product, technology and future based roadmaps based on “5 Views of the FutureTM

  • Develop insight into the people, skills, and strategy necessary to achieve actionable roadmaps.

  • Gain organizational buy-in and ensure success

Who Should Attend
This workshop is designed for VPs, Managers and Directors of R&D, Technology, Product Development as well as those who set strategy for their company, agency, or industry.

The session is designed for managers that are either in the process of developing an initial roadmap(s) as well as for those who are interested in expanding their current level of roadmap development.

Download Brochure

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Course Info

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