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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product & Technology Roadmapping
Linking Markets, products and technology

August 8-9, 2005 / Chicago

Key Benefits:

By participating in this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Select the right roadmap type(s) for your specific organization’s needs

  • Develop product, technology and future roadmaps based on the “5 views of the futureTM

  • Align technological capability with product and business plans to drive innovation and profitability

  • Assess the impact of non-obvious factors that could affect the success or failure of your roadmap

  • Successfully integrate market pull, technology push and competitive threats into your roadmapping and planning activities

  • Locate internal (and external) experts that can enhance the quality and adoption of your roadmap(s)

  • Develop actionable roadmaps – strategies to access group intelligence and break down cultural barriers

  • Reap the benefits of incorporating tools such as Force Field Analysis, Technology Forecasting and Morphological Analysis into your roadmapping development process

  • Ensure that key process steps and success factors are included in the development process of every roadmap your organization creates

  • Create a cohesive link between product/technology mapping and business strategy

  • Develop a step-by-step process to develop, implement and successfully execute strategic roadmaps in your company

  • Effectively use roadmaps to communicate future plans and strategies to customers, suppliers and development team members

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yCourse Info

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